Every so often we run into folks who just don't get what life is like at our house. They have an image of what a "gifted child" is in their head, and when our life doesn't match that image, obviously it is because none of us are gifted. I wish, fairly frequently, that our lives matched that image, but they just don't. However, the fact that we aren't all bookworms who enjoy studying, who raise their hands first, or who don't have parties, but instead have Socratic Conversations over weekends, while engaged in high-profile careers which allow us to have a housekeeper, and incredibly flexible hours so we're mostly paid to just think... Well, people seem to not realize that no, that's not what gifted (much less 2E!) is. At least, not by and large (I can't speak for people I don't know!).
At our house, gifted means three computers running while the television plays a video, and Spotify plays music. Half the time, there is someone either running through the house, or falling over, and the rest of the time we're all sitting down. There is no "mildly emotional" area, it's either fine or end-of-the-world.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
A Very Tinker-y Holiday!
This post contains affiliate links to materials discussed. Purchases via these links help support our family at no additional cost to you. Thank you for choosing to support my little blog. Read my full disclosure statement here.
I hesitate to write this post now, largely because it's still daylight hours and Mad Natter is right behind me (playing a game)... and I'm about to start talking about his Christmas gifts. But, he's pretty preoccupied, and as long as I save the actual photo-linking until last, we'll be cool.
For the last several months, Mad Natter has wanted one thing. Just one. He wants to make a boost button for the car. He wants this in the worst way, and he is terribly upset I don't have wires just sitting around the house so he can wire up a button. He wants to make and do in the worst way! But, I don't really have a lot around the house that works for this. I mean, he's got sets of Snap Circuits
Monday, December 8, 2014
Same Bat-Tropes, New Bat-Stations.

Friday, December 5, 2014
With the holiday season heading into full swing, a lot of people do a lot of traveling, and usually we're among them. This year, we're staying home, but that doesn't stop me from telling about my new favorite gadget - my TomTom.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Shelf Elves
Now that we've rounded the corner on Thanksgiving in the US, and are heading straight into Christmas/Yuletide/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, it's time to introduce a friend of mine. This is Gingerbread. Okay, this is a shot from the amazon.com website for Elf on the Shelf
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Hand-Made Holidays
One of the things we've taken to in the last several years has been handmade holiday gifts. Granted, a large portion of that is because we're not exactly the most well-off of families, but it's also because a lot of times the holidays are a time when we all accumulate... stuff. The state of the toybox is usually the listed culprit, but it happens to all of us. So what do you do?
Friday, November 28, 2014
Plan to Eat!

This post contains affiliate links to materials discussed. Purchases via these links help support our family at no additional cost to you. Thank you for choosing to support my little blog. Read my full disclosure statement here.
I've been hunting for ages for a meal planning service. I've done the FlyLady ones, I've done the Saving Dinner ones, I've done eMeals, and I've done them several times each. Each time, it's been wonderful for a few days, and then it falls apart. It's either entirely too expensive, or entirely too time consuming, not to mention there being entirely too many things we often won't eat, either because of various texture issues in the house, or because of food preferences. It got really expensive when we were paying $40+ per year, then adding in the groceries themselves, and, well, it's just far too costly. Especially considering the amount of food waste that inevitably comes.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Teaching Thanks

Monday, November 24, 2014
Appreciating because.

Friday, November 21, 2014
Resource Review: Homeschool Planet

Wednesday, November 19, 2014
We have ALL THE TOYS!!

Mad Natter is six. As a result, he gets a large number of toys for any and all gift-giving occasions. The problem inherent here is that very few people actually listen to suggestions on what to get for him, and so we have piles of games like "Connect 4" and "Star Wars Angry Birds Jenga" and "Crazy Forts" that he doesn't play with, are too big for our house, or have entirely too many pieces.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Finding Community

Friday, November 14, 2014
Harry Potter as a Read Aloud
We've long had a tradition of bedtime stories around here. Board books, picture books, then we moved on to Ralph S. Mouse and Mr Popper, and I'd hoped at that point to try Harry Potter. We made it through about a page and a half before Mad Natter went all squirrelly, and he wound right up like a clockspring. It was bad. Very, very bad. He was capable of understanding the story, but listening to tales of people and not mice, penguins, dragons or otherwise, was just beyond him at the time. So we set it aside. Not long ago, Mad Natter got the first three How To Train Your Dragon books, and we started reading those. But, eventually, we ran out, and we tried Harry Potter once again.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Homeschooling and Timing

We've had a really rough month for school. For health, really, but for school as well. I had originally planned to have school through October and the bulk of November, with a break for the week around Halloween - after all, who needs to try to have school while your first grader is hopped up on enough candy to give him diabetes within a week, right?
Monday, November 10, 2014
We Really Are All Mad Here.
The blog has been on hiatus this past week, unexpectedly, and that is part of what makes us Mad Here. The "unexpectedly" part, not the "hiatus" part. You see, shortly after the Hoagie's hop went 'round, I learned that Mama is not invincible.
Mad Natter spent two weeks knocked on his keyster with the flu... and then a wicked cough. He's still coughing, actually, but it's not as big a thing as it was. Anyhow, I somehow managed to navigate that minefield and came out expecting that I wasn't going to get sick. I was so very mistaken. It took two weeks for him to get over it, then another week for my body to get the idea that my baby wasn't dying, so I didn't need to be in survival mode, and then... BOOM. I've been flat on my back for the better part of the last week, my brains attempting to leak out my ears, and any hope of blogging coherently completely gone. However, I'm happy to say I'm back! I might be a little touch and go as I recover a little more (and try to kick this headache out!), but I'm here! I haven't gone, I've just been epically sick.
Mad Natter spent two weeks knocked on his keyster with the flu... and then a wicked cough. He's still coughing, actually, but it's not as big a thing as it was. Anyhow, I somehow managed to navigate that minefield and came out expecting that I wasn't going to get sick. I was so very mistaken. It took two weeks for him to get over it, then another week for my body to get the idea that my baby wasn't dying, so I didn't need to be in survival mode, and then... BOOM. I've been flat on my back for the better part of the last week, my brains attempting to leak out my ears, and any hope of blogging coherently completely gone. However, I'm happy to say I'm back! I might be a little touch and go as I recover a little more (and try to kick this headache out!), but I'm here! I haven't gone, I've just been epically sick.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Gifted Self-Care

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Gifted versus Pushy.

Cambridge is capable of writing an article about gifted children without slanting it into some fashion of attack on those children who are genuinely different from the norm.
Monday, October 27, 2014
On GamerGate.

Friday, October 24, 2014
Resource Review! VTech Innotab 3S

This post contains affiliate links to materials discussed. Purchases via these links help support our family at no additional cost to you. Thank you for choosing to support my little blog. Read my full disclosure statement here.
Okay, so this seems a little weird for a resource review, but hey. It's getting to be giftsy-buying season, and top of the list seems to be things like handheld quasi-educational games for kids. VTech, and their major competitor LeapFrog, are generally top-of-the-line when it comes to these types of kiddie entertainment, so it seems a fitting subject for review, especially when thinking of younger gifted children and the durability versus usability of tablets and handhelds.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
The Weird Rise of Child-Free Events

Recently, however, it's started becoming more and more popular for people to have events that come with the notation "adults-only," or "please leave your little ones at home." This is actually distressing, and for several reasons.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Living Authentically

Friday, October 17, 2014
Resource Review: Math Mammoth

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Common Core Madness!

Monday, October 13, 2014
First Quarter Curriculum Update!

This post contains affiliate links to materials discussed. Purchases via these links help support our family at no additional cost to you. Thank you for choosing to support my little blog. Read my full disclosure statement here.
It's so strange to think that the first quarter of the year is already gone. Okay, here at our house, it's been the first twelve weeks, but hey. A quarter is a quarter, however you choose to define it! We've been through quite a bit of our curricula thus far (including running out of logic!), so it seemed like a logical time to take a step back and look at what's worked so far this year.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Resource Review: A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children by James T. Webb, Janet L. Gore, Edward R. Amend, and Arlene R. DeVries

This post contains affiliate links to materials discussed. Purchases via these links help support our family at no additional cost to you. Thank you for choosing to support my little blog. Read my full disclosure statement here.
Most of my resource reviews, it seems, are books. This is because I am absolutely addicted to books - if I don't lose sight of it, I'll read it. Usually multiple times, and generally enough to justify buying both ebook and hardcopy. Unsurprisingly, this is also the case with A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children, and the corollary (affiliate link) Grandparent's Guide to Gifted Children. I've put both together here as they cover very much the same things, just one with an eye toward the parents, the other the grandparents. Big duh there, I'm sure, but all the same worth noting.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The Gifted Poor

Monday, October 6, 2014
Bravery: The boy who has it, and the mama who needs it.

Friday, October 3, 2014
Book Review! The Everything Parent's Guide to Raising a Gifted Child by Sarah Herbert Robbins
Monday, September 29, 2014
A "real" look at the school table

Gifted Advocacy

Thursday, September 25, 2014
Introducing Featured Fridays!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Homeschooling on a Non-Traditional Scheudule

Monday, September 22, 2014
Math Facts With a Kid Who Hates Review
Friday, September 19, 2014
Book Review! How to Work and Homeschool by Pamela Price

Today, I want to talk about How to Work and Homeschool by Pamela Price. I wasn't sure how much this really applied to me, and my life, due to the simple fact of the matter that I don't work outside the home. But, if I'm going to try to get my life set up so I "work from home" doing the housekeeping things (thus helping ensure they actually get done), maybe it would be really helpful after all...
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Value of a Well-Timed Freakout.
I'm learning rather quickly that people who know me in person see a vastly different person than those who know me solely by the words I choose to use in any kind of public, permanent space. In general, I find that I tend to come off in text as authoritative, competent, certain, and blunt. Blunt seems to be the only thing that carries over regardless of the format you know me from.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Giftedness: Why Does it Matter?
It matters. It matters so very much. If you'll recall, I wrote not long ago about what childhood was like for me - the broad, sweeping strokes that I remember from my past, not the little details about my mother sitting with us to eat oatmeal on winter mornings (my favorite was peaches and cream, Uncle F liked maple and brown sugar!), or my father's business trips to what was then termed "the Orient," but the Big Things.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Book Review! If This is a Gift, Can I Send it Back? Surviving in the Land of the Gifted and Twice Exceptional by Jen Merrill
Deciding to keep with last week's review, I've got another review this week! Honestly, I'm not sure how well I can review If This is a Gift, Can I Send it Back, but I'm going to give it a go anyway.
The hardest part for me is truly the fact that I have no clue what the best part of it is. I picked up the book not long after its release, in ebook format. I was so excited to read it that I wasn't about to wait for it to be delivered. I got the book and devoured it, again in one sitting. It's a hazard of reading quickly as well as reading good books
The hardest part for me is truly the fact that I have no clue what the best part of it is. I picked up the book not long after its release, in ebook format. I was so excited to read it that I wasn't about to wait for it to be delivered. I got the book and devoured it, again in one sitting. It's a hazard of reading quickly as well as reading good books
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Outdoor Ed, and an Important Message
That's right: Preventing Cable Company Fuckery is up again. Once again, we're stuck with those who have more money than sense deciding they need even more. Using that money to turn legislation in their direction. The government "by the people, for the people" has long been straying from being either. But deliberately choosing to throw those of us who access services like Netflix, Hulu, Facebook, Blogger, Google, under the bus in an effort to make more money for corporations - you're crazy if you think this cost for "hyperspeed" service won't be passed onto the consumers - is deplorable. The people in our governments, OUR REPRESENTATIVES, are choosing - actively choosing - to put corporations ahead of the best interests of their constituents. And we need to do something. The 120 days John Oliver mentions are up, so we can't comment directly to the FCC. But visit https://www.battleforthenet.com/. Sign the petition. Make your voice heard.
And now, onto Outdoor Education!
Monday, September 8, 2014
The Library!
Today, Mad Natter and I went to the library. This isn't exactly unusual for us, but hey. It was a trip to the library all the same. They've been a little scarce with all the traveling we've done this year. However, this was a Very Special Trip to the library - Mad Natter got his very own library card!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Book Review! Making the Choice: When Typical School Doesn't Fit Your Atypical Child by Corin Barsily Goodwin and Mika Gustavson

Thursday, September 4, 2014
Infographics Gone Amok.
So, there's an infographic running around right now, starting in Pinterest, and then on to a blog entry. The titles? "How to Raise a Genius" and "Tips for Raising Smart Kids," respectively. In and of itself, I'm inclined to just ignore it and go. But putting the blog entry with the graphic just threw it over the top for me.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Not Going Back To School!
Yesterday was Not Going Back To School Day here in Mooselandia, and as such, Mad Natter and I had a whole lot of things going on. Some was planned, some was misadventure, but all in all, fun was had.
Monday, September 1, 2014
What is "Educational?"
There's a lot of hubbub going on about screen time, educational television, and how much time kids are spending in front of devices "doing nothing." In the last week or so, I've seen several posts about limiting screen time, a solid dozen asking for advice on good educational programming for children, and even more than that bemoaning how children don't go out and play anymore, all they do is sit in front of televisions vegging out.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Two sides of family.
I have a giant family. Like, huge. No, I don't mean there are 20 people in one room for holidays, I mean there are twenty people in one room, fifteen in another, ten in a third, and five either smoking or peeing. There are sixty some-odd people in my extended family, and we still gather as a group for The Major Holidays. Easter. Camping. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Usually at my mother's house, as that's traditionally the largest of the lot.
(Please bear in mind that the story below may be triggering to some readers. I have, at this time, no concrete plan for going forward, though I am open to suggestion. It is not my intent to trigger anyone, so please let the reader beware: verbal abuse)
(Please bear in mind that the story below may be triggering to some readers. I have, at this time, no concrete plan for going forward, though I am open to suggestion. It is not my intent to trigger anyone, so please let the reader beware: verbal abuse)
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Spaceman Spiff!

Monday, August 25, 2014
It's August 25th!

On August 25, unite with the community of homeschoolers by posting your #notbacktoschool photos in a widespread effort to normalize homeschooling, regardless of your actual start date. What will your first day look like? Will you be at the beach, the kitchen table, museum or on a road trip? Add the hashtag #notbacktoschool to all your photos."
It's Not Back To School Day on the internet! I'm very excited to share some of the highlights of our Not Back To School Day, part 1 (Part 2 will be on 9/2, when our local Mooselandia children DO go back to school!)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
An exploration.
As most regular visitors know by now, and as a heads-up for those who might be new here, I write in a very... present-tense, stream of consciousness style. This entry is likely to be a bit different than others, though, as it is an exploration of self and my experience as an underground gifted child. I'm never brief enough for these things, but I'm hoping to compress this to less than a giant Wall Of Text.
As a small child, nothing was really amiss. I was definitely “more” than my brothers were for the same ages, but honestly, it was the seventies, and nobody was really feeling too into diagnosing whatever was up with their kids, it was more about training them to not be that way. When I arrived in kindergarten, I was one of two children who could already read. This wasn't any particular oddity, as I was the eldest, and there was no baseline that said four year olds shouldn't be reading. Because it was kindergarten in the early eighties, it wasn't a big deal.
photo by Sarah Klockars-Clauser |
Friday, August 1, 2014
But what about friends?!?
Raising a gifted child is sort of like opening a can of peanut brittle. Is it really peanut brittle, or is it the can with the snake inside? As I'm getting farther and farther into this glorious mess, however, I'm finding that I have the best success relating to Mad Natter when I treat him, to the best of my memory, how I would have wanted to be treated as a child. Mercifully, as a gifted adult, my memory is incredibly long (yes, I do remember the rock The Law Mom's dog used to pee on when we were four, why do you ask?), so this isn't quite as hard as it could be.
The thing that seems to weird people out is that between Mad Natter being gifted, and his being homeschooled, people are convinced he'll never have any friends. He's "different" by design, and therefore needs to be put into a classroom full of age-peers so he can make friends. Because without that, there would be no friendships. Ever. But, stop and think. How many of your friends - can you count them? - did you meet in school? Now, how many of those friendships were genuine, and are lasting? Because I have maybe three people in my life now that I met at school and not outside of it. Three. And that's a guess, and putting a couple people in there because I'm not quite sure where I met them after all.
When I think of the people who are truly my friends: The Law Mom, Stellar Mama, AngusChick, Daizy, KD, Mrs Warde... I didn't meet any of these people in school. I met one before, four after, and one in University. The friendships that have had the most impact on my life are not the ones forged in the schoolroom, where I sat being the odd kid out, the "friend of last resort" or the friend of the new kid - until they found 'cooler' friends than Care. The friendships that matter were made on my own terms, outside of forced interaction, and in the context of living my life. These are people who have the same struggles, the same interests, the same... Almost the same sort of soul. We get on well because we do. We can not speak to each other for months or even years... and pick up one day as if we'd only just talked the day before.
So what kind of friendships do I want for my son? The kind that are forced, and don't last beyond the school building? Or the ones that really last? The ones with people who genuinely care about you, and think of you fondly? There is a reason that Mad Natter still has Skype chats with Girl Friday, even though she and Stellar Mama moved across the continent six months ago. They get along. They like each other. They miss each other, and I'm not going to encourage Mad Natter to make friends with whomever he's the same age as... and not encourage him to keep his friendship with Girl Friday - where there's a genuine connection. Friendship has a few things in common with childbirth - you can't rush it, and something beautiful is waiting for you if you take care of it. And I'm not going to force friendships. It never led to anything good for me - quite the opposite - and I doubt it would lead to good things for Mad Natter either. And so, let childhood run its course. Let parents matter more than peers. Let your kids find their own friends, don't force them into superficial relationships that only matter in counting how many kids are coming for a party. Let them pick their own friends, and let them develop real friendships.
Now, mind, if your child picks up friends like mine does dirt, that's different - it's the choice of the child, and not the number of friends, that's important. Let them move at their own speed, to their own comfort. It will all work out in the end.
The thing that seems to weird people out is that between Mad Natter being gifted, and his being homeschooled, people are convinced he'll never have any friends. He's "different" by design, and therefore needs to be put into a classroom full of age-peers so he can make friends. Because without that, there would be no friendships. Ever. But, stop and think. How many of your friends - can you count them? - did you meet in school? Now, how many of those friendships were genuine, and are lasting? Because I have maybe three people in my life now that I met at school and not outside of it. Three. And that's a guess, and putting a couple people in there because I'm not quite sure where I met them after all.

Now, mind, if your child picks up friends like mine does dirt, that's different - it's the choice of the child, and not the number of friends, that's important. Let them move at their own speed, to their own comfort. It will all work out in the end.
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