Monday, March 30, 2015
Home Management: Laundry

Friday, March 27, 2015
Review! The Magic School Bus: The Secrets of Space

Mad Natter is a big fan of all things science, but he does particularly love space science. As such, one of the things he got for Christmas (and loved!) was the The Magic School Bus: The Secrets of Space
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Little Boy Found!
Sometime around when Mad Natter turned two, we started losing him. It was gradual, so we didn't even really realize it as it was happening. He just sort of slipped away. By the time he was three, he was gone. His interests were dominated by electronic flashy things, and no real interest in toys or games unless they were an extreme novelty, or came with inordinate amounts of attention (think one-on-one, no distractions, solely focused on him and his every word for hours at a time). His affinity for cars, Duplo, trains, drawing, storytelling... All gone. Just a little boy lost in a technological wonderland, his only interests videos, videogames, and fast-moving movies.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Progress: Slow and Steady

Friday, March 20, 2015
Tea Shops and Fun Times

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The Parenting Conundrum.

Monday, March 16, 2015
A Day In The Life

I spent several years before Mad Natter was born on a forum. We used to do occasional DITL (Day In The Life) posts, and in keeping with how I've always done, below the jump will be an extremely picture heavy look at a day in our lives - lucky you, it happened to be tax return day!
Friday, March 13, 2015
It's a love/hate kinda thing
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Yes, I know I'm posting a little late for me, but I've spent the morning fighting with anti-virus software on Mad Natter's compy - I don't want that specific package there, and it refuses to let me delete, uninstall, modify, or even stop it. So it's been eating up my morning while I'm trying to let Mad Natter play some Terraria - and he can't because this silly program is using up (literally) 98% of his systems available memory. Nasty business.
Anyway. It's a love/hate thing. I have a long history with pedometers, and a lot of it boils down to the fact that I walk generally softly, or I have a kid. Many moons ago, I had one of those 'clip it on your hip' pedometers. I'd get to the end of a day - even if I'd gone for a run (minimum 2.5K) - and find I'd barely made 5000 steps. That just ain't right. Turns out, the pedometer, because it was on my left hip, was only counting the left half of my steps. Fine. So I'd move it to the middle. That was better, right up until I wanted to check it in the middle of the day, and it was at the small of my back - or worse, I'd put it in front, and pitch it into the toilet the first time I had to pee. Eventually, I gave up. Imagine my cautious excitement when the Fitbit Flex
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Labels Without Testing

Monday, March 9, 2015
Volcano Day (with a sensory kiddo)!!

Friday, March 6, 2015
Book Review: Educating Your Gifted Child: How One Public School Teacher Embraced Homeschooling by Celi Trépanier

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Making our Art Portfolio!
With help from Caitie and Leo from My Little Poppies, Mad Natter and I took some time to make him his very own art portfolio!
Since his diagnosis and subsequent treatment, Mad Natter has produced more artwork than he has in the entire YEAR prior to this, which means... I need somewhere to put all these wonderful pictures! Then I remembered - Leo helped us out with this ages ago! And so, following their directions (and tweaking a little for our use), Mad Natter and I made an art portfolio just for his creations! (Be aware, this is a picture-heavy post!)
Since his diagnosis and subsequent treatment, Mad Natter has produced more artwork than he has in the entire YEAR prior to this, which means... I need somewhere to put all these wonderful pictures! Then I remembered - Leo helped us out with this ages ago! And so, following their directions (and tweaking a little for our use), Mad Natter and I made an art portfolio just for his creations! (Be aware, this is a picture-heavy post!)
Sunday, March 1, 2015
On Acceleration
When we first began this whole homeschooling gig, Mad Natter was three. He had asked me earlier that week to teach him how to read, and we kind of took off from there. Naturally, being me, the first thing I did was research all the various and sundry programs across subjects for the things I'd want to use going forward, and all the interesting things there were to do in a homeschool setting. The notion of not teaching him because he was too young didn't even occur to me. Unsurprisingly, that philosophy hasn't changed as Mad Natter has gotten older.
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