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Studying maple shoots in the sand at the park! |
Anyway. Children should come with a manual. They really should. But particularly gifted and 2E children, who can be among the most disparate personalities to roam the Earth... Those of us trying to raise those children need the help! Let me tell you, if you're waiting for someone to actually take you seriously and work with you rather than against you, what works in our house:
1) Set a routine.
It doesn't have to be strict. We set a routine and it helps keep transitional times to a minimum of fussing. Visual scheduling also helps with this, as it allows Mad Natter to keep track of his day, and he knows what's coming at any given time.
2) Bedtime.
Again, ROUTINE. This is something new to us in the last week, but it's been working, and it has helped Skeeve and me (as well as Mad Natter!) immeasurably. We've nixed electronics as of suppertime. We do not watch, we do not play, we eat together, and then it is free play time. After free play comes tidying up, then it's upstairs to use the bathroom, brushing teeth, pajamas, then into bed. Now, this isn't over yet. Mad Natter must stay in his bed for the remainder of the night, but he has the next hour to do whatever quiet things he likes - playing quietly with toys, reading a book, whatever. After that hour is up, it's lights out. Now it's time to get to sleep. We have only had two nights where there were issues with his being up after lights out, and I'm pretty impressed, as there would usually be something every. Single. Night. Oye!
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Sensory AND Exercise! Can't go wrong! |
This has been a huge thing. Now that the weather is warming up, we're able to get out and about more. So, Mad Natter and I traipse off to the park after lunch, and spend a bunch of time running around. Then we come home, and it's time to get dinner started, so he plays something either on the computer or the WiiU, and then... Bedtime routine! I can't explain how incredibly much this has helped. We both need the fresh air and sunshine, but this has helped his dashing off all over so much it's insane. Of course, we have the problem of his getting too much outside, and then overtired, but I'll take overtired and cranky for an hour over bouncing off the walls for six, thank-you-very-much!
4) Take care of YOU.
I know we did a tour on this earlier in the cycle, but this is huge. Don't let caring for these super-intense kids wear you so far down you're done for! Make sure you get your own checkups at the doctor. Make sure you're sleeping. And for the love of all things holy, institute "Quiet Time." This is exactly what it sounds like. At our house, it is currently 70 minutes, building slowly to 90, of quiet. Not silence, because in a house with kids that's like screaming "DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!!!" over a bullhorn, but quiet. Activities need to be either sedate or done in your room, anything with noise needs "hearphones," and, most importantly, for the duration of Quiet Time, we Do Not Badger Mama. No questions. No look at me. No screeching, running, jumping, or otherwise loud/aggressive/active play. Mad Natter sits with his Innotab or a book or puzzle, and plays quietly (no crashing of cars!) for 70m, leaving me that time to knit, play a game or two, read a book, anything I want to do. Key words: *I* WANT to do. Not the time for "doing dishes" or "scrubbing floors" unless that's what you're really jonesing to do. But time to sit quietly with a cuppa and a good book, and just... chill.
5) Hang in there.
There is a provider out there who will help you. Either with diagnoses, or with understanding the differences between a child being highly-exceptionally-profoundly gifted and a child who has ADHD, between poor behavior and sensory seeking/avoiding, and between parents who don't care, and parents who are stressed enough to Just Want An Answer. And in the meantime, we're here.
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