But, as I stopped to really think about it, I've realized there are a bunch of things we already do - things that might help other families. And so, here we are again, full circle, with a bunch of suggestions for things that will hopefully help other people.
Tips and Tricks From Our House:
1) Routine. In our house, routine is *essential.* Not the scheduled to death, what time am I allowed to pee kind of routine, but... We wake up in the morning, cuddle, get dressed and have breakfast. Then we watch Magic School Bus or Bill Nye The Science Guy, do our schoolwork, have lunch, and have free play. On sunny days we go outside, on gross days we watch a movie. I start dinner while Mad Natter plays whatever games he wants to play, then the TV goes off from dinner until bedtime at 7:30. Lots of time to change things up, but there's also a sense of knowing what comes next day to day.
2) Physical activity. My life is SO much easier when Mad Natter has had time to get out of the house and run. Or run through the house even. Jump on his trampoline - ANYTHING. If he's able to burn off some of his excess energy, it makes a giant difference in how our day is going to go.
3) Scheduled breaks: In our homeschool day, I have set aside break times. Math, which is usually his most mentally stimulating subject, is followed *immediately* by jumping on his trampoline. Then we do handwriting and spelling. Since spelling also takes sustained mental effort, it is followed by stretching. After stretching is (depending on the day) a science experiment, history, or logic - all of which are considered "fun" subjects, and then we have reading. Reading is followed by a 6m flat dash through the house to the Lone Ranger Theme. It helps keep him from exploding along the way, and I'll take anything that helps there.
4) Anticipation. This is one I learned over long times of failing. I have to anticipate overwhelm, melting down, impulsiveness, and sensory needs - this means that when I go out, I have my big Blackhawks shoulder bag with me. This has a ton of happy meal toys (they have to go somewhere!), a sensory brush, a book, a drink, a snack, coloring pages, a couple pull ups and a spare pair of pants inside, because every trip out of the house has to be planned like a war without that bag. It ensures I have the tools to cope with most possible needs Mad Natter could have in a public space that aren't immediately easily met. Things like reactive hypoglycemia. "Mooo-om, I'm thirsty!" Forgetting until the last minute that I can't read minds and whoops, potty-mergency. Need to put him in the cart so I can actually move through the store without his pulling everything off shelves, or running off into the mall, here's something to DO while you're sitting. I also have learned that a grown up jacket does well as a makeshift tent over the end of a department store cart, as is allowing Mad Natter to "steer" the cart - he can sit in the basket and imperiously point to where we need to go.
Of all the possible things to have in terms of tips, I find anticipation is the big one. If I can head off a meltdown, the entire rest of the day goes much more smoothly. If I forget my bag... I'd better be under five minutes in the store, 'cause otherwise I'm going to regret not having it, and wish I'd turned around for it.

This post has been a part of the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum's May Blog Hop: Tips, Toys, Tricks, and Tools for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Kids. Please check out the other bloggers on the tour - they have a wealth of great advice!